Information about the station Wetter_Ibb2

Station: Wetter_Ibb2
Number of channels: 30
Location: Ibbenbüren
Location coordinates:
Longitude: 7.718798 Latitude: 52.287456
Show project on map
Last update:
4:40:00 04/27/2024
AT_Gill7.7 °C
rH_Gill100 %r.H.
Pressure_Gill988 hPa
WD_act89 deg
WV_act1.1 m/s
PowerGill11.3 V
PAR_Avg0.1 W/m2
LWS7 %
VWC_SMT10041 %
ST_SKTS2009.5 °C
GravelT_SKTS2007.6 °C
Rain0 mm

Information about the operator of the station

Bockradener Strasse 52b
49477 Ibbenbüren

Silke Schweighöfer
Tel. 05451/505-222
Email: S.Schweighö